Effective preparation

Our professional fitters prepare everything for electrical engineers under their guidance. Preparing and assembling cable routes and pulling wires will not be so expensive.

Budget savings

By using fitters under the guidance of experienced electricians, we will prepare routes and conductors quickly, efficiently and cheaply exactly according to your ideas. An overview and system is important when pulling conductors. We know that well. An electrician is placed on each project, which is there from the beginning of the project to the boar. Thanks to this, he has a complete overview of the material, the work that needs to be done and the work that has already been completed. He regularly communicates, accompanies and reports to your project manager. It organizes work to be effective and to pursue a timetable.


When pulling the wires, the connection of the machines begins. The connection is performed only by authorized personnel. They adhere to project documentation and are regularly inspected. The same applies to the connection of distribution boxes.


Electrical and pneumatic work

You can also rely on us for electrical and pneumatic work. Our professionals will make pneumatic and electrical wiring for sensors, transducers, batteries, spaniels and everything you need. Based on project documentation. Effective problem solving with the necessary experience.